K5K: A Run For Kendra

In Fall 2022 Center Club held a fundraiser for k5k: A Run for Kendra, a memorial 5k run that honors Kendra Atherton. K5K honors Kendra by financially supporting college bound high school seniors who have lost a parent to cancer. We could not have been more proud to support a cause so close to us, as Hunter, Katie, and Carter Atherton are all members of Center Club, by spreading awareness and raising over $6000 for K5K!
Since 2019, each year before Thanksgiving break Center Club, Inc. donates baskets full of various Thanksgiving foods to local Blacksburg High School.

Five years ago, in December of 2017, our organization lost a wonderful brother to suicide by the name of Nick Ciullo. In Spring 2021 we hosted the second annual virtual fundraiser “A Night for Nick”. Members ended up raising $8,470 dollars in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP), the nation’s largest non-profit dedicated to saving lives and bringing hope to those affected by suicide.